Works Cited

Works Cited

The following bibliography is drawn from the "Essay" and “Commentary” sections accompanying works in the Pulverer collection.  It includes general sources dealing with Japanese books and art that are relevant to the entries overall, as well as select sources relating to individual artists. The list will be regularly updated as new entries are posted on the website.


Addiss, Stephen. The Art of Zen: Paintings and Calligraphy by Japanese Monks, 1600–1925. New York: H. N. Abrams, 1989.

Aoki Shigeru 青木茂, ed. Kindai Nihon hanga no shosō『近代日本版画の諸相』. Tokyo: Chūō Kōron Bijutsu Shuppan, 1998.

Asakura, Haruhiko and Ōwa Hiroyuki 朝倉治彦・大和博幸編. Kyōho ikō Edo shuppan shomoku 『享保以降江戸出版書目』. Kyoto: Rinsen, 1994.

Brandon, James R., William P. Malm, and Donald H. Shively. Studies in Kabuki: Its Acting, Music, and Historical Context. Honolulu: University Press of Hawai‘i, 1978.

Brown, Kendall H. Water and Shadow: Kawase Hasui and Japanese Landscape Prints. Richmond: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts; Leiden: Hotei Publishing, 2014.

Brown, Louise Norton. Block Printing & Book Illustration in Japan. London: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.; E. P. Dutton & Co., 1924.

Clark, Timothy T. and Osamu Ueda with Donald Jenkins. The Actor’s Image: Print Makers of the Katsukawa School. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 1994.

Clark, Timothy, C. Andrew Gerstle, Aki Ishigami, and Akiko Yano, eds. Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art. London: Trustees of the British Museum, 2013.

Davis, Julie Nelson. Partners in Print: Artistic Collaboration and the Ukiyo-e Market. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2015.

Fowler, Sherry D. Murōji: Rearranging Art and History at a Japanese Buddhist Temple. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2005.

Fujikake Shizuya 藤懸静也. “Tokugawa matsu no shuppankai ni okeru eshi to sakusha” 「徳川末の出版界に於ける絵師と作者」.  Shigaku zasshi 史学雑誌29 (1918): no. 6: 1–22, no. 7: 36–66.

Fukuda Kazuhiko 福田和彦. Shunga ukiyoe no miwaku5 『春画浮世絵の魅惑」, Enpon meisaku sen  1『艶本名作選』. Tokyo: KK Besuto Serāzu, 2005.

Gardner, Kenneth B. Descriptive Catalogue of Japanese Books in the British Library Printed Before 1700. London: The British Library; Japan: Tenri Central Library, 1993.

Hashiguchi Kōnosuke 橋口侯之介. Edo no honya to hon-zukuri: zoku wahon nyūmon 『江戸の本屋と本づくり:続和本入門』. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 2011.

Hayashi Yoshikazu 林美一. Enpon kenkyū『艶本研究』. 24 vols. Tokyo: Yūkō Shobō, 1960–1976.

Hayashi Yoshikazu 林美一. Edo enpon shūsei『江戸艶本集成』. 13 vols. Reprint Tokyo: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 2012–2014.

Hillier, Jack. The Art of the Japanese Book. 2 vols. London: Sotheby’s Publications by Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd., 1987.

Hillier, Jack. The Japanese Picture Book: A Selection from the Ravicz Collection. New York: H. N. Abrams, 1991.

Hillier, Jack, and Lawrence Smith. Japanese Prints: 300 Years of Albums and Books. London: British Museum Publications, 1980.

Holloway, Owen E. Graphic Art of Japan: The Classical School. London: Alec Tiranti, 1957.

Izutsu, Shinryū, ed. Sacred Treasures of Mount Kōya: The Art of Japanese Shingon Buddhism. Honolulu: Koyasan Reihokan Museum, 2002.

Jenkins, Donald. The Floating World Revisited. Portland, Ore.: Portland Museum of Art and University of Hawai‘i Press, 1993.

Johnson, Scott. “The Artists Stretch Their Legs: The ‘Sketch-tour’ Books and Other Developments in Japanese Graphic Arts of the Early 20th Century.” Bulletin of the Kansai University Institute of Oriental and Occidental Studies, vol. 19 (1986), 21–39.

Johnson, Scott. “Sketch-tour Books and Prints of the Early Twentieth Century.” Andon 37 (1990), 3–33.

Johnson, Scott. “Zuan Pattern Books: The Glory Years.” Andon 100 (2016), 5–75.

Kaneko Takaaki 金子貴昭. Kinsei shuppan no hangi kenkyū『近世出版の板木研究』. Kyoto: Hōzōkan, 2013.

Kawatake, Toshio. Ehon kabuki jūhachiban. Tokyo: Libro, 1984.

Keyes, Roger S. Ehon: The Artist and the Book in Japan. New York: New York Public Library in association with the University of Washington Press, 2006.

Keyes, Roger S. “The Whole World in Your Hands: Ehon and the Mirror of Art.” Andon 85 (2009): 6–14.

Kornicki, Peter F. The Book in Japan: A Cultural History from the Beginnings to the Nineteenth Century. Leiden, Boston, and Cologne: Brill, 1998.

Kornicki, Peter F. “Nishiki no Ura: An Instance of Censorship and the Structure of a Sharebon.” Monumenta Nipponica 32 (1977): 153–66.

Marks, Andreas. Publishers of Japanese Woodblock Prints: A Compendium. Leiden and Boston: Hotei Publishing, 2011.

Markus, Andrew L. “The Daisō Lending Library of Nagoya.” Gest Library Journal 3 (1989): 5–34.

Matsuki Hiroshi 松木寬. Tsutaya Jūzaburō: Edo geijutsu no enshutsusha 『蔦屋重三郎: 江戸芸術の演出者』. Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha, 1988.

Meech, Julia and Jane Oliver, eds. Designed for Pleasure: The World of Edo Japan in Prints and Paintings, 1680–1860. New York: Asia Society and Japanese Art Society of America; Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Merritt, Helen.Modern Japanese Woodblock Prints: The Early Years. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 1990.

Merritt, Helen, and Nanako Yamada. Guide to Modern Japanese Woodblock Prints: 1900–1975. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 1992.

Mertz, John Pierre. Novel Japan: Spaces of Nationhood in Early Meiji Narrative, 187088. Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, The University of Michigan, 2003. Mitchell, C. H. “Hanshin Meishō Zue A Little-Known Earlv Shin Hanga Series.” In  Essays on Japanese Art Presented to Jack Hillier. Edited by Matthi Forrer, 118–24. London: Robert G. Sawers Publishers, 1982.

Mitchell, C. H., with the assistance of Osamu Ueda. The Illustrated Books of the Nanga, Maruyama, Shijo and Other Related Schools of Japan. A Biobibliography. Los Angeles: Dawson’s Book Shop, 1972.

Miller, J. Scott. Adaptations of Western Literature in Meiji Japan. New York: Palgrave, 2001.Mizutani Futō 水谷不倒. Kohan shōsetsu sōga shi『古版小説挿画史』. Tokyo: Ōokayama Shoten, 1935; later issued as vol. 5 (1974) of Mizutani Futō chosakushū『水谷不倒著作集』. 8 vols. Tokyo: Chūō Kōronsha, 1973–1977.

Moreton, David C.  “An Account of the Shikoku Pilgrimage by Frederick Starr.” The Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan 4, vol. 9 (2005), 106–11.

Munemasa Isoo 宗政五十緖. Kinsei Kyoto shuppan bunka no kenkyū 『近世京都出版文化の研究』. Kyoto: Dōhōsha, 1982.

Murase, Miyeko. Emaki, Narrative Scrolls from Japan. New York: Asia Society, 1983.

Nagai Kazuaki 永井一彰. Hangiwa kataru『板木は語る』. Tokyo: Kasama Shoin, 2014.

Nagatomo Chiyoji 長友千代治. Edo jidai no tosho ryūtsū『江戸時代の図書流通』. Kyoto: Bukkyō Daigaku Tsūshin Kyōikubu, 2002.

Nakada, Katsunosuke 仲田勝之助. Ehon no kenkyū 『絵本の研究』. Tokyo: Yashio Shoten, 1950/Tokyo: Bijutsu Shuppansha, 1950.

Nakamura Yukihiko 中村幸彦 and Hino Tatsuo 日野竜夫. Shinpen kisho fukuseikai sōsho『新編稀書複製会叢書』35. Kyoto: Rinsen Shoten, 1991.

Narazaki Muneshige 楢崎宗重, ed. Puruverā korekushon『プルヴェラー・コレクション』, vols. 1–3, Hizō ukiyo-e taikan 『秘蔵浮世絵大観』. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1990, 264.


National Institute of Japanese Literature 国文学研究資料館 and The Chester Beatty Library, eds. ChesutāBītī Raiburarī emaki ehon kaidai mokuroku『チェスター・ビーティー・ライブラリィ絵巻絵本解題目録』. 2 vols. Tokyo: Bensei Shuppan, 2002.Oda Kazuma 織田一磨. Ukiyo-e to sashi-e geijutsu 『浮世絵と挿絵芸術』. Tokyo: Banrikaku, 1931.

Okitsu, Kaname 興津要 and Yamaguchi Seiichi 山口静一. Vol. 1, Kawanabe Kyōsai sashi-e 『河鍋暁斎挿絵(1)』. 2 vols. Warabi City: Kawanabe Kyōsai Memorial Museum, 1985.

Omote Akira 表章. Kōzan Bunko hon no kenkyū: utaibon no bu『鴻山文庫本の研究-謡本の部-』. Tokyo: Wanya Shoten, 1965. 

Seidensticker, Edward. Low City, High City: Tokyo from Edo to the Earthquake—How the Shogun’s Ancient Capital Became a Great Modern City, 1867–1923. San Francisco: Donald S. Ellis, 1985.

Screech, Timon. The Shogun's Painted Culture: Fear and Creativity in the Japanese States, 1760–1829. London: Reaktion Books, 2000.

Smith II, Henry D. “Folk Toys and Votive Placards: Frederick Starr and the Ethnography of Collector Networks in Taisho Japan.” In Popular Imagery as Cultural Heritage: Aesthetic and Art Historical Studies of Visual Culture in Modern Japan: Final Report, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research #20320020 (PI: Kaneda Chiaki) (March 2012), 1–51.

Smith, Lawrence. The Japanese Print since 1900: Old Dreams and New Visions. London: British Museum Press, 1983.

Smith, Lawrence. Modern Japanese Prints 1912–1989: Woodblocks and Stencils. London: British Museum Press, 1994.

Statler, Oliver. Japanese Pilgrimage. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1983.

Suga Chikuho 菅竹浦, ed. Kyōka shomoku shūsei『狂歌書目集成』. Nagoya: Hoshino Shoten, 1936; repr., Kyoto: Rinsen Shoten, 1977.

Suzuki, Jun, and Ellis Tinios. Understanding Japanese Woodblock-Printed Illustrated Books: A Short Introduction to Their History, Bibliography and Format. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2013.

Suzuki Toshio 鈴木敏夫. Edo no hon’ya 『江戸の本屋』. Tokyo: Chūō Kōronsha, 1980.

Suzuki Toshiyuki 鈴木俊幸. Edo no hon zukushi: Kibyōshi de yomu Edo no shuppan 『江戸の本づくし:黄表紙で読む江戸の出版』. Tokyo: Heibonsha Shinsho, 2011.

Suzuki Toshiyuki 鈴木俊幸. Tsutaya Jūzaburō  『蔦屋重三郎』. Vol. 9, Kinsei bungaku kenkyū sōsho  近世文学研究叢書. Tokyo: Wakakusa Shobō, 1998.

Tabako to Shio no Hakubutsukan たばこと塩の博物館, ed. Kansei no shuppankai to Santō Kyōden 『寛政の出版界と山東京伝』. Tokyo: Tabako to Shio no Hakubutsukan, 1995.

Terashima, Ryōan 寺島良安, ed. Wakan sansai zue 『和漢三才図会』. Repr., Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1985–1991.

Toda, Kenji. Descriptive Catalogue of the Japanese and Chinese Illustrated Books in the Ryerson Library of the Art Institute of Chicago. 1931. Repr., Mansfield Centre, CT: Martino Publishing, 2004.

Tōyō Bunko 東洋文庫 and Nihon Kotenbungakkai 日本古典文学会, ed. Iwasaki Bunko kichōbon sōkan 『岩崎文庫貴重本叢刊』. 6 vols./2 supplemental vols. Tokyo: Kichōbon Kankōkai, 1974.

Uchida Keiichi 内田啓一. Edo no shuppan jijō 「江戸の出版事情」, Ōedo karuchā bukkusu 『大江戸カルチャーブックス』. Kyoto: Seigensha, 2007.  Udō Yoshihiko 有働義彦.Edo meisaku enpon『江戸名作艶本』. 12 vols. Tokyo: Gakushū Kenkyūsha, 1995–1996.

Uhlenbeck, Chris and Margarita Winkel. Japanese Erotic Fantasies: Sexual Imagery of the Edo Period, edited by Amy Reigle Newland. Amsterdam: Hotei Publishing, 2005.

Uhlenbeck, Chris. “Unsōdō.” In The Hotei Encyclopedia of Japanese Woodblock Prints. 2 vols. Edited by Amy Reigle Newland, vol. 2, 501. Amsterdam: Hotei Publishing, 2005.  

Volk, Alicia. Made in Japan: The Postwar Creative Print Movement. Milwaukee: Milwaukee Art Museum, 2005.

Watson, Burton, trans. The Lotus Sutra. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.

Yamaguchi, Seiichi 山口静一. Vol. 2, Kawanabe Kyōsai sashi-e 『河鍋暁斎挿絵』. 2 vols. Warabi City: Kawanabe Kyōsai Memorial Museum, 2011.

Yoshizawa, Katsuhiro, and Norman Waddell. The Religious Art of Zen Master Hakuin. Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2009.

Yumoto Kōichi 湯本豪一, ed. Edo mangabon no sekai 『江戸漫画本の世界』. Tokyo: Nichigai Asoshiētsu, 1997.

Zwicker, Jonathan E. Practices of the Sentimental Imagination: Melodrama, the Novel, and the Social Imaginary in Nineteenth-Century Japan. Cambridge: Harvard East Asia Center, 2006.


Hashimoto Okiie

Hashimoto, Okiie. Atarashii hanga no michibikikata『新しい版画の導き方』. Tokyo: Bijutsu Shuppansha, 1953.

Hashimoto, Okiie. Hashimoto Okiie Nihon no shiro zenhangashū『橋本興家日本の城全版畫集』. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1978.

Hashimoto, Okiie. Nihon no meijō hangashū『日本の名城版画集』. Tokyo: Nihon Jōkaku Kyōkai, 1962.


Hishikawa Moronobu

Matsudaira Susumu松平進. Moronobu Sukenobu ehon shoshi『師宣祐信絵本書誌』. Tokyo: Seishōdō Shoten, 1988.

Nakano Kōichi 中野幸一, ed.Shibun ama no saezuri. Genji Yamato ekagami. Ehon kusa genji. Ehon fuji no yukari 『紫文蜑之囀・源氏大和絵鑑・絵本草源氏・絵本藤の縁』. Kuyō bunkozō genji monogatari kyōju shiryō eiin sōsho『九曜文庫蔵源氏物語享受資料影印叢書』12. Tokyo: Bensei Shuppan, 2009.

Suzuki Jūzō 鈴木重三. Hishikawa Moronobu ehon 『菱川師宣絵本』. Vol. 5, Iwasaki bunko kichōbon sōkan『岩崎文庫貴重本叢刊』, edited by Tōyō Bunko 東洋文庫 and Nihon Kotenbungakkai 日本古典文学会. 6 vols./2 supplemental vols.Tokyo: Kichōbon Kankōkai, 1974.


Hiratsuka Un’ichi

Meisaku hangashū: Hiratsuka Un’ichi sōsaku hanga 『名作版画集:平塚運一創作版画』. Tokyo: Nippon Geijyutsu Hangasha, 1951.

Merritt, Helen, and Bernd Jesse. Hiratsuka: Modern Master, From the Van Zelst Family Collection and the Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 2001.


Katsukawa Shunshō

Naitō, Masato 内藤正人. Katsukawa Shunshō to Tenmei-ki no ukiyo-e bijinga 『勝川春章と天明期の浮世絵美人画』Tokyo: Shohan, 2012.


Katsushika Hokusai

Nagata Seiji永田生慈. Hokusai no edehon『北斎の絵手本』4. Tokyo: Iwasaki Bijutsusha, 1985. Kawakami Sumio


Kawakami, Sumio川上澄生. Kawakami Sumio zenshū『川上澄生全集』. 14 vols.Tokyo: Chūō Kōronsha, 1978–1979.

Kawakami, Sumio川上澄生. Waga shihen『我が詩篇』. Atami: Ryūseikaku, 1956.

Setagaya Bijutsukan 世田谷美術館, ed. Kokon tōzai o asobu: Tochigi Kenritsu Bijutsukan shozōhin ni yoru Kawakami Sumio mokuhanga no sekai『古今東西を遊ぶ:栃木県立美術館所蔵品による川上澄生木版画の世界』. Tokyo: Setagaya Bijutsukan, 2010.


Kawamura Minsetsu

Iso, Hiroshi 磯博. “Kawamura Minsetsu no Hyaku Fuji to Hokusai no Fuji gake zu” 「河村岷雪の『百富士』と北斎の富嶽図」. Bigaku ronkyū美学論究9 (September 1961), 67–84.


Kawanabe Kyōsai

Clark, Timothy. Demon of Painting. London: British Museum, 1993.

Johnson, Scott スコット・ジョンソン. “The Illustrations for a Victorian Aesop and a Meiji Isoppu” /「ヴィクトリア朝の『イソップ物語』と明治時代の『伊蘇普物語』、Kyōsai暁斎15 (1938), 3–40.

Oikawa, Shigeru 及川茂, ed. Comic Genius, Kawanabe Kyōsai/Kyōsai no giga kyōga 『暁斎の戯画・狂画』. Tokyo: Tōkyō Shinbun, 1996.

Oikawa,Shigeru及川茂. Les démons comiques dans l’oeuvre de Kyosai/Kyōsai no kokkei na bakemono tachi『暁斎の滑稽な化け物たち』. Tokyo: Ochanomizu University, 2006.

Yamaguchi, Seiichi山口静一. Kawanabe Kyōsai sashi-e 『河鍋暁斎挿絵』. 2 vols. Warabi City: Kawanabe Kyōsai Memorial Museum, vol. 1, 1985; vol. 2, 2011.

Yoshida Susugu吉田漱, Hanami Kaoru花見薫, C. H. Mitchellチャールズー・H・ミッチエル, and Scott Johnson スコット・ジョンソン. Ehon taka kagami 『絵本鷹かゞみ』. Repr., Warabi City: Kyōsai Memorial Museum, 1985.

Yoshida, Susugu 吉田漱. Kyōsai gadan『暁斎画談』. Repr., including English, French and German translations, Warabi City: Kawanabe Kyōsai Memorial Museum, 1982.

Yoshida, Susugu吉田漱, Isao Toshihiko悳俊彦, and C. H. Mitchell チャールズー・H・ミッチエル. Kyōsai hyakki gadan 『暁斎百鬼画談』. Repr., Warabi City: Kyōsai Memorial Museum, 1985.

Yoshida, Susugu吉田漱, Nikaidō Mitsugu 二階堂充, and Scott Johnson スコット・ジョンソン. Kyōsai rakuga 『暁斎楽画』. Repr., Warabi City: Kawanabe Kyōsai Memorial Museum, 1985.

Yoshida, Susugu吉田漱and C. H. Mitchell チャールズー・H・ミッチエル.  Kyōsai suiga『暁斎醉画』. Repr., Warabi City: Kyōsai Memorial Museum, 1985.


Kitagawa Utamaro

Asano Shūgō  浅野秀剛. “Tenmei-ki no Utamaro” 「天明期の歌麿」,  Kokka 国華1229 (March 1998), 15–29.

Asano Shūgō and Timothy Clark. The Passionate Art of Kitagawa Utamaro.  2 vols. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbun; London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1995.

Betchaku, Yasuko and Joan B. Mirviss. Utamaro: Songs of the Garden. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1984.

Cholley, Jean, Dominique Morcelon, Junko Miura, and Elisabeth Lemirre. Utamaro: Paysages de neige, La lune folle, A marée basse. Arles: Éditions Philippe Picquier, 2006.

Davis, Julie Nelson. “Tsutaya Jūzaburō, Master Publisher.” In Designed for Pleasure: The World of Edo Japan in Prints and Paintings, 1680–1860 . Edited by Julia Meech and Jane Oliver. New York: Asia Society and Japanese Art Society of America; Seattle: University of Washington Press, 115­–41.

Davis, Julie Nelson. Utamaro and the Spectacle of Beauty. London: Reaktion Books; Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2007.

Hayashi Yoshikazu  林美一. Edo makura-eshi shūsei: Utamaro sei 『江戸枕絵師集成 喜多川歌麿 正』. Tokyo: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1990.

Hayashi Yoshikazu林美一and Richard Lane リチャードレイン, eds. Utamaro: “Ehon hana Fubuki” 「歌麿「艶本葉男婦舞喜」」. Vol. 18. Ukiyo-e shunga meihin shūsei『浮世絵春画名品集成』. Tokyo: Kawade Shobō Shinsha,1997, 15–16.

Santorī Bijutsukan  サントリー美術館, ed. Utamaro, Sharaku no shikakenin, sono na wa Tsutaya Jūzaburō 歌麿• 写楽の仕掛け人、その名は蔦屋重三郎』. Tokyo: Santorī Bijutsukan, 2010.


Kitao Masayoshi (Kuwagata Keisai)

Atsumi, Kuniyasu 渥美國泰. Edo no kufūsha Kuwagata Keisai『江戸の工夫者鍬形蕙斎』. Tokyo: Geijutsu Shinbunsha, 1996.

Fukuoka University Library 福岡大学図書館. “Keisai -- Shūho sakuhingun to kyōdo haikai no sekai. Wahon no bi” 「蕙斎・秋圃作品群と郷土俳書の世界和本の美」. 2003.

Kano, Hiroyuki 狩野博幸. “Kuwagata Keisei ehon no kentō” 「鍬形蕙斎絵本の検討」. MUSEUM 338 『MUSEUM』338号(May 1979), 18–28.

Naitō, Masato 内藤正人. “Keisai/Kitao Masayoshi no ehon Shoshoku ekagami no shoshi” 「蕙斎・北尾政美の絵本『諸職画鑑』の書誌」.  Idemitsu Bijutsukan kenkyū kiyō 7 『出光美術館研究紀要』第7号 (July 1996), 143–235.

Orii, Takae 折井貴恵. “Jūhasseiki no edehon kan: Kuwagata Keisai (Kitao Masayoshi) o rei ni” 「十八世紀の絵手本観―鍬形蕙斎(北尾政美)を例に」. In Edo no shuppan bunka kara hajimatta imēji kakumei 『江戸の出版文化から始まったイメージ革命』. Edited by Ōta Akiko 太田昌子.  Kanazawa: Kanazawa Geijutsugaku Kenkyūkai, 2007, 117–32.

Satō, Satoru 佐藤悟. “Kuwagata Keisei ehon no hangi”「鍬形蕙斎絵本の版木」. Edited by Jissen Joshi Daigaku Shoku no fūkei Purojekuto Kenkyūjo 実践女子大学食の風景プロジェクト研究所. Tokyo: Jissen Joshi Daigaku, 2012, 6–11.

Uchida, Kinzō 内田欽三. “238–239 Kitao Masayoshi’s Ryakuga shiki”「238~239v北尾政美『略画式』」. In Puruverā korekushon『プルヴェラー・コレクション』, vols. 1–3, Hizō ukiyo-e taikan 『秘蔵浮世絵大観』. Edited by Narasaki Muneshige 楢崎宗重. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1990, 264.

Uchida, Kinzōv内田欽三. “240–241 Kitao Masayoshi Chōjū ryakuga shiki”「240~241v北尾政美『鳥獣略画式』」. In Puruverā korekushon『プルヴェラー・コレクション』, vols. 1–3, Hizō ukiyo-e taikan 『秘蔵浮世絵大観』. Edited by Narasaki Muneshige 楢崎宗重. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1990, 264–65.

Uchida, Kinzō 内田欽三. “242–243 Kitao Masayoshi’s Jinbutsu ryakuga shiki”「242~243 北尾政美『人物略画式』」. In Puruverā korekushon『プルヴェラー・コレクション』, vols. 1–3,, Hizō ukiyo-e taikan 『秘蔵浮世絵大観』. Edited by Narasaki Muneshige 楢崎宗重. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1990, 265.

Uchida, Kinzō 内田欽三. “248–249 Kitao Masayoshi Sansui ryakugashiki”「248~249北尾政美『山水略画式』」. In Puruverā korekushon『プルヴェラー・コレクション』, vols. 1–3, Hizō ukiyo-e taikan 『秘蔵浮世絵大観』. Edited by Narasaki Muneshige 楢崎宗重. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1990, 266.

Uchida, Kinzō 内田欽三. “244–247 Kitao Masayoshi Tatsu no Miyatsuko”「244~247 北尾政美『龍乃宮津子』」. In Puruverā korekushon『プルヴェラー・コレクション』, vols. 1–3, Hizō ukiyo-e taikan 『秘蔵浮世絵大観』. Edited by Narasaki Muneshige 楢崎宗重. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1990, 265–66.

Uchida, Kinzō 内田欽三. “250–251 Kitao Masayoshi’s Sōka ryakuga shiki”「250~251 北尾政美『草花略画式』」. In Puruverā korekushon『プルヴェラー・コレクション』, vols. 1–3, Hizō ukiyo-e taikan 『秘蔵浮世絵大観』. Edited by Narasaki Muneshige 楢崎宗重. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1990, 267.


Kitao Shigemasa

Hayashi Yoshikazu 林美一. Shigemasa: enpon kenkyū 『重政艶本研究』.Tokyo: Yūkō Shobō, 1966.


Maekawa Senpan

Rikkā Bijutsukanリッカー美術館, ed. Maekawa Senpan meisakuten 『前川千帆名作展』. Tokyo: Rikkā Bijutsukan, 1977.


Nishikawa Sukenobu

Matsudaira Susumu 松平進. Moronobu Sukenobu ehon shoshi『師宣祐信絵本書誌』. Tokyo: Seishōdō Shoten, 1988.


Onchi Kōshirō

Onchi Kōshirō hangashū 1891–1955『恩地孝四郎版画集1891–1955』. Tokyo: Keishōsha, 1975.

Onchi, Kōshirō. Hon no bijutsu『本の美術』. Tokyo: Seibundō Shinkōsha, 1952; repr. Tokyo: Nippon Nyūsusha, 1973.

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Onchi, Kōshirō. Onchi Kōshirō sōtei bijutsu ronshū: sōhon no shimei『恩地孝四郎装幀美術論集:装本の使命』. Tokyo: Abe Shuppan, 1992.

Onchi, Kunio 恩地邦郎. Onchi Kōshirō: sōhon no waza『恩地幸四郎: 装本の業』. Tokyo: Sanseidō, 1982.

Smith, Lawrence. Japanese Prints during the Allied Occupation 1945–1952: Onchi Kōshirō, Ernst Hacker and the First Thursday Society. London: British Museum Press, 2002.

Swinton, Elizabeth de Sabato. The Graphic Art of Onchi Koshiro: Innovation and Tradition. New York: Garland, 1986.


Tani Bunchō

Chance, Frank L. “Tani Bunchō.” In Grove Art Online (

Tani, Bunchō谷文晁. (Nihon) Meizan zue『(日本) 名山図絵』. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankōkai, 1970.


Tosa Mitsumochi

Sakomura, Tomoko. “Summoning the Thirty-Six Poets: A Look at a Poet-Portrait Screen.” Impressions: the Journal of the Japanese Art Society of America 32 (2011), 145–65.

Suzuki Jun鈴木淳. Kōetsu Sanjūrokkasen kō「光悦三十六歌仙考」. In  Edo no kasen-e『江戸の歌仙絵』. Edited by National Institute of Japanese Literature. Tokyo: National Institute of Japanese Literature, 2009.


Tōshūsai Sharaku

Santorī Bijutsukanサントリー美術館,ed. Utamaro, Sharaku no shikakenin, sono na wa Tsutaya Jūzaburō歌麿• 写楽の仕掛け人、その名は蔦屋重三郎』. Tokyo: Santorī Bijutsukan, 2010.


Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Patti Kameya. “Paupers, Poets, and Paragons: Eccentricity as Virtue in Kinsei kijinden (Eccentrics of Our Times, 1790).” PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2006.

Suzuki Jūzō 鈴木重三. “Toyokuni ga Nihon kijinden no sujō 『国芳画「日本奇人伝」の素性』.  Shoshigaku geppō『書誌学月報』31 (1987), 1–16.


Yoshida Hanbē

Ihara Saikaku, trans. and ed. G. W. Sargent. The Japanese Family Storehouse, or The Millionaires’ Gospel Modernised. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1959.


Works with unknown artists (by title)

(Hayayomi eshō) Kannongyō ryakuzukai

Hayami, Takusu 速水侑, ed. Kannon shinkō jiten 『観音信仰事典』. Tokyo: Ebisu Kōshō Shuppan, 2000).

Matsubara, Tetsuaki 松原哲明. Jisshū Kannon Bosatsu no okyō 『実修観音菩薩のお経』. Tokyo: Gakken, 2010).


Jūhachi rakan zusan

Takasaki, Fujihiko 高崎富士彦. “Rakan zu” 「羅漢図」. Nihon no bijutsu 日本の美術234 (November 1985). Dedicated issue.

de Visser, M. W. The Arhats in China and Japan. Berlin: Oesterheld & Co., 1923.

Wang, Qi王圻. Sancai tuhui 『三才圖會』. Vol. 2, Repr., Taibei: Chengwen Chubanshe, 1970.


Kōya Daishi gyōjō zuga

Umezu, Jirō 梅津次郎. “Kōya Daishi gyōjō zuga”「高野大師行状図画」.In Kodai hanga 『古代版画』. Vol. 1, Nihon hanga bijutsu zenshū『日本版画美術全集』. Edited by Ishida Mosaku, 201–2. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1961.